Kyudenko's Basic Approach to CSR
Corporate Philosophy
1. We contribute to society through providing agreeable environmental solution.
We strive for the creation of a rich human environment, aiming for an optimal harmony of"People", "Environment" and "Engineering Skill" as an Integrated Utilities Engineering Service Company with a broad perspective.
2. We keep challenging for sustainable development through our engineering strengthand create a new value.
We make efforts for research and development of technologies that anticipate the needs of the times, and engage in businesses that respond to the trust and expectations of clients as a forward-looking company at all times.
3. We aim to create mutual respecting environment in Kyudenko which utilize anddevelop employees' personality.
We foster a vibrant and enriched corporate culture through respecting the personality and enhancing the abilities of each individual based on a philosophy that the corporation is people.
The Corporate Philosophy has represented the purpose of businesses and the reason of existence of Kyudenko, even before the concept of "CSR" was recognized by the Company, and all business activities of the Company are based on this Corporate Philosophy. In terms of "CSR", it can be said that the Company's Corporate Philosophy exactly verbalizes the "social responsibilities" that the Company should take. Accordingly, practicing the Corporate Philosophy at the site where business activities are performed is believed to realize CSR of the Company.